A Guide to Nationwide Resources for the Blind and Low Vision Community in 2025
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As we step into 2025, it’s the perfect time to connect with valuable resources that can enhance the independence, well-being, and accessibility of those who are blind or have low vision. Across the country, numerous organizations and services offer vital assistance in areas like education, employment, health, transportation, and daily living.
Here’s a curated list of resources that are available nationwide to help you or your loved one thrive in the new year.
Education and Social Service Resources
- Offers free online courses on technology, daily living skills, braille, and recreational topics.
- Accessible at any time and repeated as often as needed.
- Website: hadley.edu/learn
Penny Forward
- A non-profit organization offering financial education and coaching for blind and visually impaired individuals.
- Provides podcasts, online courses, and one-on-one coaching to build financial independence and literacy.
- Website: pennyforward.com
Horizons for the Blind
- Provides transcription services for documentation into large print, Braille, audio, as well as provides tactile images.
- Website: horizons-blind.org
Technology and Accessibility
Computers for the Blind
- Refurbishes computers and installs accessibility software at affordable prices for blind and low vision users.
- Website: computersfortheblind.org
TruConnect – Free Phone Service and Wireless Internet Provider
- The FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a new federal government program committed to bringing connectivity to low-income Americans.
- (800) 430-0443
- truconnect.com
NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access)
- Free screen reading software for Windows users.
- Website: nvaccess.org
Transportation and Delivery Services
GoGo Grandparent
- Provides access to services like Uber and DoorDash without requiring a smartphone.
- Ideal for seniors and those who may be hesitant to use mobile apps.
- Phone: 855-464-6872
Uber Assist
- Ridesharing service with drivers trained to help passengers who need additional assistance. Call the hotline to order a ride without having the app downloaded, however, additional fees may apply.
- Website: Uber Assist
ADA Transit
- Many cities or counties offer accessible forms of transit for individuals with disabilities at a low cost. The accessible transit vans typically bring patrons to and from their pre-schedule locations. Many transit agencies also offer programs that subsidize ride-shares or taxis. Ask your local ADA Transit organization about programs available to you!
- Search: "accessible transit options near me" with this link!
Amazon Fresh – SNAP EBT
- Use SNAP benefits to purchase groceries online with free delivery.
- Website: Amazon Fresh SNAP EBT
Health and Medical Supplies
Free White Cane Program – National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
- As an essential tool for safe and confident navigation, the NFB offers free, straight fiberglass white canes that do not fold. Individuals can request a new one every 6 months.
- To request a free white cane, call (410)-659-9314 or go online to apply at https://freecane.nfb.org/
Advanced Diabetes Supply
- Nationwide supplier of diabetes management products, with many including audio. ADS also offers customer support tailored to individuals with visual loss.
- For tailored support, call ADS at (866)-422-4866. To browse on your own, visit their website online at https://www.northcoastmed.com/
Accessible Pharmacy
- Home delivery pharmacy specializing in accessible prescriptions for the blind and visually impaired as well as Diabetes Care. Individuals can request accessible medication packaging and/or labeling through audio or braille.
- Discover their services by calling (215)-799-9900 or go online to https://accessiblepharmacy.com/
Spoken Rx – CVS Pharmacy
- A prescription service that reads medication labels aloud for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Simply scan the special RFID-tagged label using the CVS Pharmacy app or a dedicated reader.
- Visit or call your local CVS Pharmacy to check on their knowledge of Spoken Rx. All CVS pharmacies must participate. To learn more, go online to https://www.cvs.com/content/pharmacy/spoken-rx.
Islam By Touch – Accessible and Free Islamic Library App
- The first Islamic library app fully compatible with iPhone VoiceOver for those who are blind or visually impaired.
- Access the Quran in English along with other books about Islam with options for large text and color inversion.
- To download, search Islam by Touch on Apple’s App Store
Braille Bibles for the Blind
- Provides free braille Bibles to individuals who are blind.
- Phone: 812-466-4899
- Website: https://www.biblesfortheblind.org/
Jewish Braille Institute – Accessible Religious Texts
- Offering free liturgical, biblical, and lifecycle texts in large print, braille, and audio formats for all denominations. Large print is also available in Russian and Hebrew.
- Explore the Jewish Braille Institute Catalog at jbi.klas
Entertainment and Reading
The Audio Description Project
- Maintains a directory of audio-described DVDs, TV shows, and streaming content.
- Website: https://www.acb.org/audio-description-project
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS)
- Free talking book and braille services through local libraries.
- Download books or use a specialized audiobook player.
- Website: loc.gov/nls
National Federation of the Blind (NFB) - NEWSLINE
- A free audio news service offering access to over 500 publications, emergency alerts, and job listings.
- Phone: 866-504-7300
- Website: https://nfb.org/programs-services/nfb-newsline
- Provides access to over 1 million titles in audio, braille, and large print formats for individuals with print disabilities.
- Website: bookshare.org
Project Gutenberg
- Offers over 17,000 free electronic books in various formats.
- Website: gutenberg.org
Get Started in 2025 with Confidence
Whether you’re seeking educational opportunities, health support, or simply ways to stay connected, these nationwide resources are ready to help you lead a more independent and enriched life. Bookmark this guide or share it with someone who can benefit from these incredible services.
For more information on low vision resources, visit The Chicago Lighthouse’s My Tools for Living Store.